- Gemany: 38 köstliche Smoothie-Rezepte für Ihren AMZCHEF Mixer
- France: 38 délicieuses recettes de smoothies pour votre mixeur AMZCHEF
- Spain: 38 deliciosas recetas de batidos para tu licuadora AMZCHEF
- English: 38 Delicious Smoothie Recipes for Your AMZCHEF Blender
- Frullato di Mirtilli
- Frullato di Cranberries
- Limonata
- Gelato al Mango
- Milkshake
- Ghiacciolo alla Frutta
- Gelato al Caffè
- Gelato alla Fragola
- Biscuit Shake
- Frullato di Avena e Latte
- Zuppa di Verdure
- Gelato Vegano alla Fragola
- Frullato di Fragola, Banana e Latte di Mandorla
- Latte al Cioccolato
- Frullato al Mango
- Caffè Freddo Senza Zucchero
- Frullato di Carota, Arancia e Zenzero
- Torta Fredda al Lime
- Frullato di Arancia, Limone e Curcuma
- Frullato di Carote e Frutti di Bosco
- Crostata di Zucca e Latticello
- Budino di Cachi al Cioccolato
- Frullato Proteico Vegano
- Milkshake di Banana e Fragola Surgelate
- Frullato Proteico alla Banana, Caramello Salato e Fragole Congelate
- Frullato di Zucca, Banana e Cannella
- Frullato di Mango e Curcuma
- Zuppa Piccante di Pomodori e Peperoncino Rosso
- Frullato al Caffè Istantaneo
- Frullato al Cocco e Banana
- Frullato di Mirtilli, Banana e Latte di Cocco
- Gelato Morbido alla Fragola
- Crespelle all'Italiana
- Ciambelle di Carote con Glassa al Formaggio
- Ricetta del Succo Verde
- Succo di Anguria e Zenzero
- Torta all’Arancia
- Crema di Nocciole e Cioccolato Bianco
1. Frullato di Mirtilli
BlIl frullato di mirtilli è una bevanda preparata frullando mirtilli freschi o surgelati, latte o yogurt, ghiaccio o gelato. È ricco di antiossidanti, vitamine e fibre, che aiutano a potenziare l'immunità, migliorare la digestione e promuovere la salute cardiovascolare.h.

- 250 g di mirtilli surgelati
- 1 yogurt naturale (125 g), può essere greco
- Facoltativo: 1 cucchiaio di miele o a piacere
Frulla i mirtilli, lo yogurt (o il latte) e il ghiaccio fino a ottenere un composto omogeneo. Aggiungi miele o una banana per dolcificare, se desiderato. Servi immediatamente per un frullato di mirtilli rinfrescante e nutriente.
2. Frullato di Cranberries
Il frullato di cranberries è una bevanda fredda solitamente preparata frullando cranberries freschi o surgelati, latte o yogurt, ghiaccio e dolcificante. È ricco di antiossidanti, vitamine e fibre, che aiutano a potenziare l'immunità, migliorare la digestione e promuovere la salute cardiovascolare.

- 250 g di cranberries surgelati
- 1 yogurt naturale (125 g), può essere greco
- Facoltativo: 1 cucchiaio di miele o a piacere
Prepara una buona quantità di cranberries freschi o surgelati, mescolali con il latte (o un sostituto del latte) fino a ottenere un composto omogeneo. Aggiungi un buon quantitativo di ghiaccio e continua a frullare fino a quando il frullato è denso. Aggiungi miele o altro dolcificante a piacere. Versa nei bicchieri e guarnisci con prugne rosse fresche o altra frutta.
3. Limonata
L'acqua al limone è una bevanda rinfrescante ottenuta mescolando succo di limone fresco con acqua. Offre numerosi benefici: idratazione, miglioramento della digestione, aumento dell'assunzione di vitamina C, supporto per la salute della pelle e potenziale aiuto nella gestione del peso.

- 3-5 limoni (a seconda della grandezza del limone)
- Acqua
- Ghiaccio
- Latte condensato
- Zucchero facoltativo
Spremi i limoni e aggiungi ghiaccio per mantenerla fresca e rinfrescante. Aggiungi una buona quantità di miele o zucchero a piacere e mescola bene fino a scioglierlo. Inserisci un spicchio di limone nel bordo del bicchiere o aggiungi qualche foglia di menta per decorare e goditi la limonata rinfrescante!
4. Gelato al Mango
Il gelato al mango è un dessert cremoso preparato con mango maturi, latte o panna, zucchero e talvolta uova. Offre un sapore fruttato ricco con vitamine, minerali e antiossidanti dal mango, gustato freddo come un trattamento.

- 1/2 tazza di papaia a cubetti
- 1/2 tazza di mango maturo a cubetti
- 1/2 avocado congelato
- 1 cucchiaio di semi di chia e 1/3 di tazza d'acqua
- 2 tazze di cubetti di ghiaccio
Il gelato al mango è un delizioso dessert congelato preparato frullando mango maturi, panna, zucchero e, facoltativamente, latte o latte condensato fino a ottenere un composto liscio.
Un milkshake è una bevanda preparata frullando latte con gelato e aromi come cioccolato, vaniglia o sciroppi di frutta. È cremoso, indulgente e una scelta popolare per un dessert o uno spuntino rinfrescante.

- 1 tazza di latte
- 2 palline di gelato (a scelta, es. vaniglia, cioccolato, fragola)
- Quantità moderata di zucchero (facoltativo, da regolare a piacere)
- Aromi (es. salsa di cioccolato, marmellata, estratto di vaniglia, facoltativo)
Un milkshake è una bevanda cremosa preparata frullando latte, gelato e aromi fino a ottenere un composto omogeneo e spumoso.
6. Ghiacciolo alla Frutta
Un ghiacciolo alla frutta è un dessert congelato fatto con succo di frutta o purè, che offre un sapore rinfrescante e vitamine naturali, risultando più leggero in calorie e grassi rispetto ai dolci cremosi.

- 2 tazze di frutta fresca (come fragole, mirtilli, mango o arance), tritate
- 1/2 tazza di succo di frutta (come arancia, mela o limone)
- 2-3 cucchiai di miele o zucchero (facoltativo, da regolare a piacere)
Un ghiacciolo alla frutta è un dessert rinfrescante preparato frullando la frutta con il succo fino a ottenere una consistenza liscia.
7. Gelato al Caffè
Il gelato al caffè è un dessert congelato cremoso aromatizzato al caffè. Combina tipicamente panna, zucchero e caffè o estratto di caffè, risultando in una consistenza ricca e liscia con un forte sapore di caffè.

- 3 banane surgelate
- 1 tazza di caffè (freddo)
Utilizzando una gelatiera, mescola il composto secondo le istruzioni fino a quando non diventa denso e simile a gelato. Se non hai una gelatiera, versa il composto in un contenitore per congelatore e mescola ogni 30 minuti fino a quando non è completamente congelato. Il gelato può essere gustato subito o conservato in un contenitore ermetico e congelato per altre 2-3 ore per una consistenza più dura.
8. Gelato alla Fragola
Il gelato alla fragola è un dessert cremoso preparato con fragole fresche. È cremoso e indulgente, una scelta popolare per un dessert o uno spuntino rinfrescante.

- 2 tazze di fragole fresche (senza picciolo e tagliate a pezzi)
- 3/4 di tazza di zucchero
- 2 tazze di panna leggera
- 1 tazza di latte intero
- 1 cucchiaino di estratto di vaniglia (facoltativo)
- Un pizzico di sale
Prendi le fragole dal frigorifero e versale in un frullatore. Aggiungi 100 g di yogurt greco e frulla. Metti in frigorifero per un'ora. Aggiungi dolcificante a piacere!
9. Biscuit Shake
Un biscuit shake è una bevanda cremosa preparata frullando biscotti sbriciolati con latte, gelato e talvolta aromi aggiuntivi come cioccolato o caramello. È un trattamento ricco e indulgente.

- 2 palline di gelato alla vaniglia
- 1 tazza di latte
- 4-6 biscotti (es. Oreos, digestive, ecc.)
- 1 cucchiaino di estratto di vaniglia (facoltativo)
- Panna montata (per guarnire, facoltativa)
- Biscotti sbriciolati (per guarnire, facoltativa)
Metti il gelato, il latte, i biscotti sbriciolati e l'estratto di vaniglia (se usato) in un frullatore. Frulla a media velocità fino a ottenere un composto uniforme e liscio. Aggiungi panna montata e biscotti sbriciolati per guarnire.
10. Frullato di Avena e Latte
Un frullato di avena e latte si prepara mescolando avena, latte (o un'alternativa vegetale) e spesso frutta come banane o frutti di bosco. È una bevanda cremosa e ricca di nutrienti che fornisce fibre, vitamine ed energia sostenuta.

- 1/2 tazza di avena (avena istantanea o rapida)
- 1 tazza di latte o latte vegetale (es. latte di mandorla o avena)
- 1 banana (per aggiungere consistenza e dolcezza)
- 1-2 cucchiai di miele o sciroppo d'acero (regolare secondo il gusto)
- 1/2 cucchiaino di estratto di vaniglia (opzionale)
- Ghiaccio (a piacere)
Mettere avena, latte, banana, miele o sciroppo d'acero, vaniglia (se utilizzata) e ghiaccio in un frullatore. Frullare a velocità media-alta finché tutti gli ingredienti sono ben amalgamati e il frullato risulta liscio. Se preferisci una consistenza più densa, riduci la quantità di latte o aggiungi più ghiaccio. Il frullato di avena è nutriente e ricco di fibre e proteine, perfetto per la colazione o uno spuntino sano.
11. Zuppa di Verdure
La zuppa di verdure è un piatto nutriente preparato con varie verdure, brodo e talvolta carne o legumi. È ricca di vitamine, minerali e fibre, ideale per un pasto sano e soddisfacente.

- 1 cavolfiore intero, tagliato a pezzi
- 4 carote, pelate e tagliate
- 1 broccolo intero, tagliato a pezzi
- 1 lattina di mais dolce (con succo)
- 1 cipolla bianca, pelata e tritata
- Acqua o brodo di pollo, quanto basta per coprire le verdure
Cuocere le verdure in acqua o brodo di pollo fino a quando saranno morbide. Servire la zuppa calda con pane o pasta, oppure gustarla da sola per un pasto salutare. Se preferisci una consistenza più cremosa, frulla la zuppa fino a ottenere una purea densa. Questa zuppa è facile da preparare e ricca di nutrienti, perfetta per i mesi invernali o per aumentare l'assunzione di verdure.
12. Gelato Vegano alla Fragola
Il gelato vegano alla fragola è un dessert senza latticini, preparato con fragole, latte di cocco o di mandorla e dolcificanti come sciroppo d’agave o datteri. Ha una consistenza cremosa e un gusto fruttato senza l’uso di prodotti animali.

- 500 g di fragole fresche, private del picciolo
- 3-4 banane
- Succo di un po’ di miele
- Mezzo limone
Congelare le banane e le fragole durante la notte. Il giorno successivo, frullarle insieme al succo di mezzo limone e un po’ di miele. Il gelato vegano è pronto! È semplice, sano e perfetto per chi ama i sapori freschi e fruttati.
13. Frullato di Fragola, Banana e Latte di Mandorla
Un frullato di fragola, banana e latte di mandorla è una bevanda cremosa e nutriente, ricca di vitamine, antiossidanti e fibre, ideale per una pausa salutare e rinfrescante.

- 1 tazza di fragole fresche
- 1 banana matura
- 1 tazza di latte di mandorla (o altro latte vegetale)
- Ghiaccio (a piacere)
Mettere le fragole, la banana e il latte di mandorla nel frullatore, aggiungere ghiaccio e frullare fino a ottenere una consistenza liscia e cremosa. Questo frullato è perfetto per una colazione leggera o uno spuntino.
14. Latte al Cioccolato
Chocolate milk is a beverage made by mixing milk with cocoa powder and sweeteners like sugar or syrup. It's enjoyed for its rich chocolate flavor and provides nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamins.

- Milk (whole milk or low-fat milk is fine, according to personal preference)
- 4 bananas
- Chocolate sauce or cocoa powder
- Sugar (optional, sweeten to personal preference)
Simply combine all the ingredients - banana, milk and chocolate - in a blender, blend until smooth and enjoy!Depending on personal preference, flavourings such as vanilla extract or a pinch of cinnamon can also be added to make the chocolate milk taste richer and more special.
15. Frullato al Mango
A mango smoothie blends ripe mangoes with yogurt or coconut milk, offering a creamy and tropical-flavored drink rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, perfect for a refreshing treat.

- 1 cup cubed ripe mango (about 1-2 mangoes)
- 1/2 cup milk or coconut milk
- 1/2 cup ice cubes
- 1-2 tablespoons honey or sugar (adjust to taste)
Start the blender and blend all the ingredients until smooth and smoothie-like to get a delicious mango smoothie. Mango smoothies are quick and easy to make and are a healthy and tasty summer drink for the whole family to enjoy.
16. Caffè Freddo Senza Zucchero
Sugar-free iced coffee is a refreshing beverage made with chilled brewed coffee and sweetened with sugar substitutes like stevia or erythritol. It's a low-calorie option that retains the bold coffee flavor without added sugars.

- Freshly brewed coffee, cooled to room temperature or chilled (about 1 cup)
- Ice cubes
- Milk or plant-based milk (such as almond, soya or oat milk), to taste
- Sugar-free sweetener (e.g. stevia leaf, rooibos sweetener or erythritol), to taste
- Optional: flavour extracts such as vanilla or hazelnut, cinnamon or cocoa powder for extra flavour
Brew your coffee using your favourite method and let it cool to room temperature or place it in the fridge to chill. If preferred, add a small amount of vanilla extract, cinnamon or cocoa powder to add extra flavour. Making sugar-free iced coffee is easy and allows you to enjoy a refreshing drink without adding extra sugar.
17. Frullato di Carota, Arancia e Zenzero
A carrot, orange, and ginger smoothie combines fresh carrots, juicy oranges, and zesty ginger. This vibrant drink is rich in vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and has a refreshing, tangy flavor with a hint of spice.

- 2 carrots, peeled and diced
- 2 oranges, peeled and cut into chunks
- 1 small piece of fresh ginger (about 1-2cm), peeled and sliced
- 1 cup water or coconut water
- Ice cubes (optional)
Add the carrot chunks, orange chunks, ginger and water (or coconut water) together in a blender, start the blender and blend all the ingredients until smooth. If you prefer a chilled texture, add ice cubes and blend together. This smoothie combines the sweetness of carrots, the tartness of oranges and the spiciness of ginger for a rich and nutritious flavour.
18. Torta Fredda al Lime
Lime cake is a moist and tangy dessert made with fresh lime juice and zest, giving it a refreshing citrus flavor. It often features a soft, spongy texture and may be topped with a lime glaze or frosting for an extra burst of limey sweetness.

- 6 lemons (juice and zest taken)
- 8 oz (about 225 g) cream cheese (1 block), softened at room temperature
- 1/2 cup evaporated milk (about 120 ml)
- 1 cup condensed milk (about 240ml)
- 2 packets of Maria biscuits (about 300g)
- 1/2 cup whole milk (about 120 ml)
Add the lime juice, cream cheese, evaporated milk and condensed milk to a blender and blend for a minute or two. Check consistency and flavour. Add more lime if necessary. Dip the biscuits into the whole milk for a few seconds and make a layer on top of the container. Add a layer of cream. Keep adding layers until you have filled the container. Place in the fridge for at least 4 hours. If you want, decorate them. You can use lime biscuits, or tinned pineapple, or peaches!
19. Frullato di Arancia, Limone e Curcuma
This smoothie consists of orange, lemon, ginger, turmeric, cucumber and baby spinach. It is a refreshing drink that is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients that can help boost immunity and improve digestion, while providing great nutrition and a refreshing taste.

- 2 oranges, peeled
- 2 lemons, peeled
- 1 piece of ginger (about 1-2cm), peeled
- 3 fresh turmeric (or 1 tsp turmeric powder)
- 1 cucumber, peeled and diced
- 1 cup baby spinach
- 1 cup water or coconut water (adjust as needed)
Place the orange chunks, lemon chunks, ginger slices, turmeric, cucumber chunks and baby spinach in a blender with 1 cup of water or coconut water. Add a little more liquid if you prefer a thinner smoothie. Ginger and turmeric also have anti-inflammatory properties, which is a healthy plus
20. Frullato di Carote e Frutti di Bosco
A carrot berry smoothie is a nutritious drink made by blending carrots with a mix of berries such as strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries. This vibrant smoothie is packed with vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and fiber, offering a naturally sweet and slightly earthy flavor. It's a refreshing way to enjoy a healthy boost of nutrients.

- 4 carrots, peeled and diced
- 1 cup blueberries
- 1 cup raspberries
- 6 oranges, peeled
- 1 inch ginger, peeled
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- Water or coconut water (adjust consistency as needed)
Place the carrot chunks, blueberries, raspberries, orange chunks, ginger slices, cinnamon and turmeric powder in a blender, start the blender and blend all the ingredients until smooth. Add more water or coconut water as needed for taste.
21. Crostata di Zucca e Latticello
Buttermilk pumpkin pie is a creamy, spiced dessert featuring a blend of pumpkin puree, buttermilk, and warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. The buttermilk adds a rich, tangy flavor and smooth texture, making the pie a delightful fall treat with a perfectly spiced and custard-like filling.

Pastry ingredients:
- 1 1/2 cups (190 grams) all-purpose flour
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup (120 ml) avocado oil (or other vegetable oil)
- 2 tablespoons milk
- Pumpkin filling:
- 500 g cooked buttery pumpkin (cooked and mashed)
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 egg
- 1 can condensed milk (about 400 ml)
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice (optional)
Preheat the oven to 370°F. Stir the flour, sugar and salt in the pie moulds. Then add the oil and milk, make a dough and flatten it on the pie mould. Bake for 25 minutes. Steam the butternut squash cubes for about 20 minutes. Peel them, add the egg yolks, eggs, condensed milk, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and allspice in a blender. Add to the pie crust and bake for 40 minutes.
22. Budino di Cachi al Cioccolato
Persimmon chocolate pudding combines ripe persimmons with rich chocolate for a creamy, indulgent dessert. The natural sweetness of persimmons complements the chocolate, creating a velvety texture and a unique flavor that's both fruity and chocolatey.

- 2 ripe persimmons
- 350ml milk or plant-based milk (e.g. almond milk, oat milk, etc.)
- 2-3 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 2 tablespoons of honey
Peel the ripe persimmons and cut them into small pieces. Using a blender or food processor, puree the persimmons until smooth, place the required ingredients in the blender together and pour the blended pudding mixture evenly into 5 small glasses. Cover with lids or cling film and chill in the fridge for 2-3 hours, or until the pudding becomes more set.
23. Frullato Proteico Vegano
The vegan protein shake is a nutritious drink prepared by mixing vegetable proteins such as peas or hemp protein with fresh or frozen fruit, green leafy vegetables, almond or coconut milk. It offers a healthy source of protein, fibre and essential nutrients without the use of animal products.

- 1 cup plant-based milk (e.g., soy, almond or coconut)
- 1 cup frozen banana chunks
- 1/2 cup frozen strawberries or other fruit (optional)
- 2 tablespoons coconut cream or nut butter
- 1 tablespoon flax or hemp seeds
- 1 tablespoon coconut sugar or any sweetener (optional)
- 1 to 2 teaspoons protein powder (soy protein, soy protein, or protein powder)
Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend well until you get a smooth shake, if the shake is too thick, gradually add more plant milk or water until you reach the desired consistency. Rich in protein and nutrients, this vegan protein shake is perfect for breakfast or as a post-workout refresher drink.
24. Milkshake di Banana e Fragola Surgelate
A frozen banana strawberry milkshake blends frozen bananas, fresh strawberries, and milk into a creamy, refreshing beverage. It's naturally sweetened and rich in vitamins, making it a delicious and nutritious treat.

- 3 frozen bananas
- 1 teaspoon frozen strawberries
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup milk
In a blender or food processor, place the frozen bananas, frozen strawberries, vanilla extract and milk, start the blender and blend all ingredients until smooth and well combined. If the shake is too thick, gradually add more milk until you achieve the desired texture.This frozen banana and strawberry milkshake is easy to make, refreshing and perfect for a healthy breakfast or addition to your afternoon tea.
25. Frullato Proteico alla Banana, Caramello Salato e Fragole Congelate
A banana salted caramel protein powder frozen strawberry milkshake combines frozen strawberries, banana, salted caramel-flavored protein powder, and milk or a dairy-free alternative. It's a creamy, indulgent shake packed with protein, vitamins, and a delicious blend of sweet and salty flavors.

- 1 banana
- 30g salted caramel protein powder (or other protein powder)
- 150g frozen strawberries
- 200ml almond milk (or other plant-based milk)
- Moderate amount of chia seeds (as extra fibre, add as needed)
In a blender or food processor, place the banana chunks, salted caramel protein powder, frozen strawberries, and almond milk, start the blender, and blend all ingredients until smooth and well combined. Gradually add more almond milk to adjust the consistency of the shake as needed. Sprinkle a good amount of chia seeds over the top of the shake to add extra fibre and nutrients.
26. Frullato di Zucca, Banana e Cannella
A pumpkin banana cinnamon milkshake blends pumpkin puree, ripe banana, cinnamon, milk (or a dairy-free alternative), and optionally ice cream or yogurt. It offers a creamy texture with warm, comforting flavors perfect for fall or anytime.

- 100g raw pumpkin
- 1 banana
- 200ml almond milk (or other plant-based milk)
- 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
In a blender or food processor, add the raw pumpkin chunks, banana chunks, almond milk and cinnamon, start the blender and blend all ingredients until smooth and well combined. Gradually add more almond milk to adjust the consistency of the shake as needed
27. Frullato di Mango e Curcuma
A mango turmeric smoothie combines ripe mango chunks with a pinch of turmeric powder, yogurt or almond milk, and a sweetener like honey or agave syrup. It's a vibrant and refreshing drink rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory properties, offering a tropical flavor with a hint of spice.

- 1 mango
- 1 cup ice cubes
- 500ml almond milk (or other plant-based milk)
- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon honey (adjust to taste)
In a blender or food processor, add the mango chunks, ice cubes, almond milk, turmeric powder and honey, start the blender and blend all the ingredients until smooth and homogeneous until the desired shake consistency and texture is achieved. The milkshake is not only smooth, but also rich in vitamins and antioxidants, making it suitable for a healthy breakfast or snack.
28. Zuppa Piccante di Pomodori e Peperoncino Rosso
Red chili and tomato soup is a spicy and tangy dish made from ripe tomatoes, red chili peppers, onions, garlic, and various herbs and spices. It's known for its vibrant color and bold flavors, often served hot as a comforting and appetizing starter or main course.

- 500g large tomato
- 2 red chillies
- 2 red onions
- 1 carrot
- 1 garlic clove (or more or less to taste)
- Salt, pepper, mixed herbs (e.g. dried Italian seasoning), paprika (adjust spiciness to taste)
- 400ml vegetable stock or vegetable broth
Pour the processed vegetables and stock into a blender and blend until the soup becomes smooth and homogeneous. Gradually add small amounts of cooking stock until the desired consistency is reached, adding salt, pepper, mixed herbs and paprika, adjusting to taste.
29. Frullato al Caffè Istantaneo
An instant coffee smoothie blends instant coffee granules with milk or a dairy-free alternative, ice cubes, and optionally includes ingredients like banana, chocolate, or protein powder for added flavor and nutrition. It offers a quick and energizing way to enjoy coffee in a smoothie form.

- 4 ice cubes
- 200ml liquid cream for dessert
- 2 teaspoons instant coffee powder
- 1 tablespoon icing sugar
- A good amount of chopped macaroons (for decoration, add to taste)
Place the ice, liquid cream for dessert, instant coffee powder and icing sugar in a blender, start the blender and blend all ingredients until well combined. More liquid cream or ice can be added gradually as needed until the desired consistency and texture is achieved. The taste is refreshing and perfect as a summer drink or as an energy boost for the day.
30.Frullato al Cocco e Banana
A coconut banana smoothie combines coconut milk or coconut water with ripe bananas, creating a creamy and tropical-flavored beverage. It's rich in potassium, electrolytes, and healthy fats from the coconut, offering a refreshing and nutritious drink option.

- 2 frozen bananas
- 1/2 cup coconut meat (or coconut milk)
- 2 cups of coconut milk
- 60g of Greek yoghurt
In a blender or food processor, add the frozen banana chunks, coconut meat (or coconut milk), coconut milk and Greek yoghurt, start the blender and blend all ingredients until smooth and well combined. Gradually add more coconut milk to adjust the consistency of the shake as needed. Rich in taste with a sweet coconut flavour, it's perfect for a healthy breakfast or snack.
31. Frullato di Mirtilli, Banana e Latte di Cocco
A blueberry banana coconut milkshake blends together fresh or frozen blueberries, ripe bananas, and creamy coconut milk. This combination creates a rich, fruity, and slightly tropical-flavored milkshake that is both refreshing and packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats from the coconut milk. It's a delicious and nutritious treat perfect for any time of day.

- 2 cups coconut milk
- 2 cups frozen blueberries
- 1 banana
- 1/2 cup Greek yoghurt
In a blender or food processor, add the coconut milk, frozen blueberries, bananas and Greek yoghurt, start the blender and blend all ingredients until smooth and well combined. Gradually add more coconut milk to adjust the consistency of the shake as needed. Pour the blended blueberry banana coconut milkshake into a glass and either add a straw or enjoy straight away with a spoon.
32. Gelato Morbido alla Fragola
Strawberry soft ice cream is a creamy frozen dessert made with fresh or frozen strawberries, milk or cream, and sugar. It has a smooth texture and a sweet strawberry flavor, often served in a soft, swirled form directly from a machine.

- 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries (hulled and chopped)
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1/2 cup whole milk
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon corn syrup or glucose (optional, for smoother texture)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
In a blender or food processor, place the strawberries, animal cream, milk, sugar and corn syrup or glucose syrup. Blend until the strawberries are completely pureed and the mixture is smooth. Pour the mixture into a bowl or container and place in the refrigerator to chill for at least 1-2 hours, or until completely cooled. Scoop the strawberry soft ice cream into bowls or cones and enjoy!
33. Crespelle all'Italiana
Italian-style pancakes, known as "crespelle" in Italian cuisine, are thin and delicate crepes made from a batter of flour, eggs, milk, and sometimes butter. They can be served sweet with fillings like Nutella and fruit or savory with cheese, spinach, or prosciutto, offering a versatile and delicious option for breakfast or dessert.

- 3 eggs
- 250 g flour (00 flour)
- 500ml latte (coffee with milk)
- 1 pinch of salt
- 50 g melted butter or olive oil (Evo)
Place the eggs, flour and salt in a blender and blend together until there are no lumps of flour, after which place the butter in the blender. Slowly, mix in the milk and coffee until the butter is melted. Finally, spread the finished ingredients on top of the pie, make it in the oven and enjoy.
34. Ciambelle di Carote con Glassa al Formaggio
Carrot donuts with cheese frosting are a unique twist on traditional donuts, incorporating grated carrots into the batter for added sweetness and texture. They're typically topped with a creamy cheese frosting, balancing the sweetness with a tangy and rich flavor profile, making them a delightful treat for any occasion.

- Doughnut Ingredients.
- 1 cup carrots (grated)
- 1 cup wholemeal flour
- 1/2 cup white granulated sugar
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- Cheese Frosting Ingredients.
- 100g soft cheese
- 50g butter (at room temperature)
- 1 cup icing sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
For the doughnuts, combine the carrots, wholemeal flour, sugar, vegetable oil, eggs, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, salt and vanilla extract in a mixer. Pour the mixture into the prepared doughnut moulds, making sure to fill each mould to about 2/3 full, and bake in the oven for about 10-12 minutes.Beat the soft cheese and room temperature butter until smooth, slowly add the icing sugar and vanilla extract and beat until thick and smooth.
35. Ricetta del Succo Verde
A green juice recipe typically includes a combination of leafy greens such as spinach or kale, along with cucumber, celery, green apple, lemon, and ginger. These ingredients are blended or juiced together to create a nutritious beverage rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, promoting overall health and vitality. Adjustments can be made based on personal taste preferences and desired nutritional benefits.

- Half an orange.
- Half an apple
- Half a slice of pineapple
- Half a carrot
- A quarter of a stalk of celery
- Two cups full of spinach
- 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
- 1 cup water or coconut water (adjust as needed)
Place the oranges, apples, pineapple, carrots, celery, spinach and chia seeds in a blender, add 1 cup of water or coconut water, this will help to blend and adjust the consistency of the smoothie, start the blender and blend until all the ingredients are fully blended into a smooth smoothie.
36. Succo di Anguria e Zenzero
Ginger watermelon juice blends fresh watermelon chunks with a hint of ginger for a refreshing and hydrating beverage. It's packed with hydration from watermelon and a zingy kick from ginger, making it a perfect summer refresher loaded with vitamins and antioxidants.

- 1 medium seeded melon
- 1 large lime
- 2 thumb-sized pieces of ginger
- Ice cubes (add as needed)
Put all the prepared ingredients into a blender, and according to your personal taste and needs, you can add the right amount of ice so that the smoothie will be more refreshing and thicker. Start the blender and blend until all ingredients are completely blended into a smooth smoothie.
37. Torta all’Arancia
Orange cake is a moist and flavorful dessert made with fresh orange zest and juice. It typically features a light and airy texture with a citrusy aroma, often topped with a glaze or frosting for added sweetness.

- 2 oranges with skin
- 125ml milk
- 100ml seed oil (e.g. rapeseed oil)
- 200g sugar
- 3 eggs
- 300g flour
- 1 packet of baking powder
- Decoration required (e.g. orange slices, icing sugar, etc.)
Place the orange chunks and milk in a mixer and mix until the oranges are completely broken up into a pulp, beat the eggs and add the seeded oil and sugar, gradually add the orange pulp and the flour (pre-mixed flour and baking powder), mixing until it is homogeneous and grain-free. Bake for about 40-45 minutes or until the top of the cake is golden brown and does not stick when checked by inserting a toothpick, when completely cooled you can dust the top of the cake with icing sugar and decorate with orange slices or other favourite decorations.
38. Crema di Nocciole e Cioccolato Bianco
White chocolate hazelnut spread is a creamy spread made from white chocolate and hazelnuts, blended into a smooth and luxurious consistency. It offers a rich, nutty flavor with the sweetness of white chocolate, perfect for spreading on toast, drizzling over desserts, or using as a dip for fruits.

- 100g sugar
- 150 g white chocolate
- 150 g hazelnuts
- 100ml milk
- 35ml seed oil (e.g. rapeseed oil)
Chop the white chocolate into small pieces and add to a blender, then add the sugar and milk and blend until the chocolate is completely melted and well mixed, peel the roasted hazelnuts after they have cooled a little, add them to the blender and beat them to a fine paste. Add the hazelnut paste to the chocolate syrup and continue to mix well, slowly add the seed oil and continue to mix until the sauce becomes smooth.